Thursday, January 30, 2020

Bugoi & Eeewww

I was surprised to realize just now that I don't have a single post about pets on my Pet Page here.  I know I have always been lazy about blogging but I've been an obsessive cat lover all my life and one would think that they would dominate my blog page.  Well, I do post them on my other social media accounts.

But after some tweaking and investigation I found out that I did have two old posts about pets but they were just not labeled properly so they're not appearing on the Pets tab/page.  I don't know what happened, I know they were there before. And for the life of me, I figure why I can't label them now with Pets, the label reverts back to pets with a small letter P upon saving it. That's why they disappeared from the tab because the search label was "Pets" with a capital P. Ugh! So, I just changed the search label to "pets" to make it work. It did. But now, as I'm writing this, it got me thinking of changing it again to some other label. Hmmm....
Anyway, just to kick this pets thing off again on this blog (two very old posts definitely don't show my love of cats), here's a YouTube video of the latest cats in my NeverWonderLand...

Bugoi Bugsy Boy and Eeewww Ewan McPurry... 😼

A Simple Day & Night Painting for My Art Therapy and Painting Practice

Hi, Welcome to My NeverWonderLand! I'm Elsbeth and this is me here... 

doing some sort of art therapy for myself. Oh no, I'm not a real artist. Not in the least and you will see that soon enough. I'm just a hopeless wannabe. Sketching, painting, coloring and other artsy crafts are some of my hobbies. You know, just dabbling in arts, creating useless things and whatnot. I've always been fascinated and in love with arts. Although I don't think it loves me back. It doesn't show in my works. But still, trying to be creative does wonders to my brain and nerves. And my soul. It's relaxing, comforting and satisfying despite the mediocre results. I don't know where I heard or read this said about art, but I believe it's true, “Art wasn't supposed to look nice. It's suppose to make you feel something.” Well, my art makes me happy so that's good enough for me. Never mind if it's not appreciated by others. Who cares, right?