Sunday, March 24, 2013

Remembering Old Pets...

These were my first two cats in my adult life.  I've had  many cats since I was a child, but these are the first two that I had when I was already at a legal age and living on my own.  The dog was my sister's.

The black and white one was my Original Frappee and the pure white one was Milka. Both dead and gone.  Frappee died at a very young age. Was ran over by a car. Milka, on the other hand, lived a full and healthy life. Had several babies and grandchildren. She didn't die, actually. Just got lost somewhere.

Niel-niel, the dog, loved my cats so much. He took care of them and protected them against dogs and other cats. Unfortunately, he also suffered a tragic fate.  He was mauled by street dogs over a rivalry with a female dog. He went wild and crazy and then went missing. Not sure if he was captured by some drunk men and ended up as their "pulutan" :(

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