Friday, January 11, 2013

My Cat’s Toilet Manners

28 Nov. 2011

A few months ago, I invited an adult cat into my house.  Notice that I said “invited” because I did not buy her neither accepted her as a gift from someone.  She was a stray cat who kept frequenting my gate, then my window, meowing as if talking to me.  I meowed or talked back to her, asking if she wants to come in, if she’s hungry or needs a place to stay. You know, one thing about me is I talk to almost anything I feel like talking to, may it be an animal, plant and even inanimate objects. May seem a bit weird, but that’s me.
Anyway, the cat was at first shy to come inside but after a while, she made herself at home and moved in permanently. And as all cats do, she eventually acted as if she’s the queen of the house! And it was partly my fault because I fed her, bought fresh fish for her, pampered her. Well, you can see by now that I am a cat lover. 

I never really had problems with her toilet manners. She seemed to be doing her “thing” outside the house. Until one night when I caught her urinating in the sink! I was aghast.  What I did was turn the faucet on her so she would leave. I was mad but I was also impressed at how she poised herself and tried to shoot her urine right into the drain.  That was her first crime. The second was committed in the same crime scene but this time with a graver offense.  This time she pooped in the sink! And boy, was I raging mad!  I let her stay out of the house for the night, although it was raining.  And then I realized, it was the rain.  Before she committed the crime, I noticed her sitting on the window sill and looking outside for a long time. Like she wanted to get out but couldn’t because it was raining hard.

To prevent her from doing something nasty again in the sink, I started giving her food in the sink because pets will not pee or poop in their place of eating.  And to give her an option, I started leaving the bathroom door always ajar so she could go inside, because I thought that since she had the decency or the cleverness to pick a drain to do her thing, she might choose the bathroom drain instead next time.  Not surprisingly, it worked! 

Maybe next time, I can train her to use the potty. :)

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